"BettyBoop Designs"

  Welcome to Lucky Leprechaun Event

Competition Rules

1. Games Are Played Daily @ 12am, 3am, 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, and 9pm & cost $200 ladder buxs.


2. If you win the game, you will get the corresponding award added to your wall.

3. If a competition game is not filled or is not on the calendar in order to start on time, that game will be skipped.

~The next competition game will resume per the calendar of games.~

4. We will NOT add games late or start them over 10 minutes past the game start time.

5. Games may be singles or doubles (TD's choice).


6. You must play the entire game to win your award.

~If you sub in a doubles, you must play the entire game to win the award.~

~If you sub first round you may continue to sub through the whole tournament. No Subs are allowed in singles.~

7. If the wrong game is played, you will win the award for the game that you played.

8. You ARE NOT ALLOWED to give WINS in the game. You may give win to the next round. You are not allowed to give win for a game you just played. For example if you are playing Pringles you can not give the win for that game, if you just beat her but will go to the next round. Win goes to the next round.

9. Players must be an active player to be able to win contest. You cannot just play the specials, you need to play other games also to win an event.

10. If you see a mistake on your personal page, please send an email letting us know the problems.  Email
Special Events Team

~1ST PRIZE IS 25,000 Bux ~

~2ND PRIZE IS 10,000 BUXS~